Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale N° 106/2012. Recueil d'études historiques, philologiques et épigraphiques en l'honneur de Paolo Matthiae - Première partie.
N° d'inventaire | 17607 |
Format | 20 x 30 |
Détails | 192 p., broché. |
Publication | Paris, 2013 |
Etat | Neuf |
ISBN | |
Table des matières Des cent-sixième et cent-septième volumes Numéro double spécial : hommage des assyriologues à Paolo Matthiae Articles Paolo Matthiae, Une appréciation Amadasi, Sidon et ses sanctuaires Biga (M.-G.) et Capomacchia (A.M.G.), I testi di Ebla di aret XI: una rilettura alla luce dei testi paralleli Bonechi (M.) Buccellati (G.), Towards a Linguistic Model for Archaeology Catagnoti (A.) In the Aftermath of the War. The Truce between Ebla and Mari (aret XVI 30) and the Ransom of Prisoners Chambon (G.), La pierre à cupules d'Ebla Charpin (D.), “Temple-palais” et chapelles palatiales en Syrie aux IIIe et IIe millénaires av. J.-C Charvát (P.), Seals from near and far notes on the geographical horizons of sealings of archaic Ur D'Agostino (F), Some considerations on u4-da-tuš (bear tamer?) and jugglery in Ur III Dalley (S.), What did Ut-napišti say when he first caught sight of Gilgamesh ? De Martino (S.), ?išni, prince of Kargamiš Del Olmo Lete (G.), KTU 1.169: A Compendium Incantation Tablet Against Black Word Sorcery Durand (J.-M.), Sargon a-t-il détruit la ville de Mari Fales (M.), After Ta‘yinat : the new status of Esarhaddon's adê for Assyrian political history Foster (B. R.), A footrest fit for a goddess Fronzaroli (P.), The eblaic king’s supplication to the gods of the night Kogan (L.), *NA?R- ‘garçon’ dans une lettre mariote Liverani (M.), “I Constructed Palaces throughout my Country”. Establishing the Assyrian Provincial Order: the Motif and Its Variants Marazzi, Scrittura: competenza e supporti scrittorî fra Egeo, Egitto e Vicino Oriente nel II millennio a.C. Michalowski (P.), From the Collections of an Old Babylonian Literary Connoisseur Mora (C.), Sculptors in or from Hattuša Owen (D.), “Treasures of the Sacristy” Pasquali (J.), Symbolique de mort et de renaissance dans les cultes et les rites eblaïtes: dga-na-na, les ancêtres et la royauté Pomponio (F.), Further Considerations on KIŠki in the Ebla texts Ponchia (S.), Riflessioni a cent'anni dalla polemica Babel-Bibel Rubio (G.), SANGA2, A Graphic Story Sallaberger (W.), Der Trinkhalm für Bier: ein präsargonischer Textbeleg Sanmartín (J.), Ars syra: how to do things with words Sasson (J.), “It is for this reason that I have not come down to my lord …” Visit Obligations and Vassal Pretexts in the Mari Archives Steinkeller (P.), An Archaic “Prisoner Plaque” from Kiš Tonietti (M.-V.), “Ich will den Kopf des Jochanaan”, or the Head of the King of Kakmium Wilcke (C.), Dieser Urnamma hier… Eine auf die Darstellung weisende Statueninschrift Wilhelm (G.), The Dispute on Manumission at Ebla: Why does the Stormgod descend to the Netherworld?
Table des matières Des cent-sixième et cent-septième volumes Numéro double spécial : hommage des assyriologues à Paolo Matthiae Articles Paolo Matthiae, Une appréciation Amadasi, Sidon et ses sanctuaires Biga (M.-G.) et Capomacchia (A.M.G.), I testi di Ebla di aret XI: una rilettura alla luce dei testi paralleli Bonechi (M.) Buccellati (G.), Towards a Linguistic Model for Archaeology Catagnoti (A.) In the Aftermath of the War. The Truce between Ebla and Mari (aret XVI 30) and the Ransom of Prisoners Chambon (G.), La pierre à cupules d'Ebla Charpin (D.), “Temple-palais” et chapelles palatiales en Syrie aux IIIe et IIe millénaires av. J.-C Charvát (P.), Seals from near and far notes on the geographical horizons of sealings of archaic Ur D'Agostino (F), Some considerations on u4-da-tuš (bear tamer?) and jugglery in Ur III Dalley (S.), What did Ut-napišti say when he first caught sight of Gilgamesh ? De Martino (S.), ?išni, prince of Kargamiš Del Olmo Lete (G.), KTU 1.169: A Compendium Incantation Tablet Against Black Word Sorcery Durand (J.-M.), Sargon a-t-il détruit la ville de Mari Fales (M.), After Ta‘yinat : the new status of Esarhaddon's adê for Assyrian political history Foster (B. R.), A footrest fit for a goddess Fronzaroli (P.), The eblaic king’s supplication to the gods of the night Kogan (L.), *NA?R- ‘garçon’ dans une lettre mariote Liverani (M.), “I Constructed Palaces throughout my Country”. Establishing the Assyrian Provincial Order: the Motif and Its Variants Marazzi, Scrittura: competenza e supporti scrittorî fra Egeo, Egitto e Vicino Oriente nel II millennio a.C. Michalowski (P.), From the Collections of an Old Babylonian Literary Connoisseur Mora (C.), Sculptors in or from Hattuša Owen (D.), “Treasures of the Sacristy” Pasquali (J.), Symbolique de mort et de renaissance dans les cultes et les rites eblaïtes: dga-na-na, les ancêtres et la royauté Pomponio (F.), Further Considerations on KIŠki in the Ebla texts Ponchia (S.), Riflessioni a cent'anni dalla polemica Babel-Bibel Rubio (G.), SANGA2, A Graphic Story Sallaberger (W.), Der Trinkhalm für Bier: ein präsargonischer Textbeleg Sanmartín (J.), Ars syra: how to do things with words Sasson (J.), “It is for this reason that I have not come down to my lord …” Visit Obligations and Vassal Pretexts in the Mari Archives Steinkeller (P.), An Archaic “Prisoner Plaque” from Kiš Tonietti (M.-V.), “Ich will den Kopf des Jochanaan”, or the Head of the King of Kakmium Wilcke (C.), Dieser Urnamma hier… Eine auf die Darstellung weisende Statueninschrift Wilhelm (G.), The Dispute on Manumission at Ebla: Why does the Stormgod descend to the Netherworld?